PUBLISHED ON May, 24, 2024
4 Movements for Better Posture
In a world where most of us sit for more than 4 hours a day, it is crucial that we actively work against it by utilizing movements that strengthen the muscles to keep good posture.
In this article we are going to go over the best moves to improve your posture.
1.Trap-3 Raise:
Targets the upper traps which are largely responsible for holding your shoulders up.
Recommended Method:
It is ideal to train Trap-3 Raises on a dedicated bench
Doing this movement on a Back Extension machine will increase the tension on the core, posterior chain and the Trap-3 muscles. Overtime, this variation will be more beneficial as you will be getting the most out of the movement.
How to:
- Set your Hyper Pro to 45 Degree Back Extension Mode.
- Insert your feet in between the dual ankle rollers pressed against the footplate.
- Press your hips into the back extension pads.
- Raise your arm above your head in the shape of a Y while squeezing your shoulders back.
3 sets of 10-12 reps is a great place to start.
If you do not have a back extension machine (yet!) Then you can simply grab some light weights, and start doing this movement on a wall.
How to:
- Stand in front of a wall about a foot away.
- Hinge forward until your glutes are resting on the wall.
- Keep your legs straight but not locked out in front of you.
- Raise your arms into the shape of a Y overhead while keeping them straight.
QL Raise:
Targets the deep core muscle that connects the low back to the top of the hips.
Strengthening the QL will increase core and spine stability, while also helping you to maintain an upright posture.
Recommended Method:
Performing the QL raise on a back Extension machine like shown below will help to bias the QL muscle so that you can get the most benefit out of the movement.
The Nordic Hyper GHD is the perfect piece of equipment to try these on because not only is it stable, it is super comfortable.
How to:
- Set your Hyper Pro to 45 Degree Back Extension Mode.
- Insert your feet into the Hyper Pro sideways.
- With the side of your hip pressing against the hip pads, complete a side bend until you feel a stretch in your side.
- Use your side to bring you back up to the top.
- You may use the handles for assistance if needed in the beginning.
3 sets of 12-15 is a great starting point assisted or unassisted is a great starting point.
If you do not have a back extension machine yet- you can start this movement standing up with no equipment.
How to:
- Stand up straight with one foot placed in front of you.
On the side that you are working, place that hand behind your head with your elbow pointing up.
Start by bending towards the opposite side, as if doing a regular side bend. You'll feel a strong stretch on the working side. Once you feel the stretch, you've reached the bottom of the movement. Return to the starting position to complete one repetition
3. 45 Degree Back Extension:
Engages the lower back muscles and hamstrings making the posterior chain strong and balanced with the front of our bodies.
A stronger low back means you will be stronger in positions where the low back could be compromised. Such as sitting, standing or lifting things for extended periods of time.
Recommended Method:
If you already have the Hyper Pro at home, then adjust it to 45 degree back extension and follow the form tips given in the video above.
How to:
- Set your Hyper Pro into 45 Degree Back Extension mode.
- Insert your feet into the machine facing forward.
- The hip pads should be sitting right below your hips.
- Hinge forward until you feel a stretch in your lower back or hamstrings.
- Use your backside to pull you back up to the top position.
At the bottom of the movement you should feel a slight stretch in your lower back or hamstrings. It is possible to also feel both.
3 x 20 Reps is a great goal to work towards.
4. Couch Stretch:
Stretches the hip flexors, addressing tightness that can affect posture.
Can help fix imbalances between sides of the hip by allowing you to work one hip at a time.
Recommended Method
Using the hip thrust attachment on the Hyper Pro will be one of the best ways you can perform this movement. It will give you a comfortable base that is height adjustable for different people.
How to:
- Set up your Hyper Pro to Hip Thrust mode.
- Stand in front of your Hip Thrust mode.
- Place one foot behind you onto the Hip Thrust pad.
- Kneel down onto your other knee with your back shin parallel to the hip thrust pad.
- Feel the stretch in the quad and hips.
If you have a couch, chair, or bench that is cushioned, you can also use that to perform the couch stretch.
- Trap-3
- QL
- 45 Degree Back Extension
- Couch Stretch
When you incorporate these 4 moves for better posture into your routine, you will be actively working against all of the sitting and scrolling that many of us do in day to day life.
The Trap-3 Raise, QL Raise, 45 degree back extension and Couch stretch will work to improve your posture fast!
Always ensure that you are working at your pain free ability level when training, and always take your time with progressing the movement.
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If you're ready to upgrade your home gym to include the most versatile equipment on the market—shop the Hyper Pro here!